Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is a business and technical strategy for developing new systems or modernizing existing ones. Adopting MOSA provides the ability to support and evolve capabilities over a system's life-cycle, and enables program teams to build, upgrade, and support systems more quickly and efficiently.
MOSA can be implemented by focusing on modular system design with well-defined interfaces. This approach is essential for change and evolution and emphasizes the importance of using industry-supported standards for component interfaces.
When implemented properly, MOSA can be an enabler of significant benefits to programs and companies in the DoD ecosystem.
Modern defense systems rely on data sharing and need to be adaptable in the face of complex threats. Adopting a modular open systems approach enables systems and components to be interoperable by design, so new capabilities can be delivered quickly – even when they use different languages and standards.
Adopting an open systems architecture with a modular approach allows companies to shop around for components, allowing for increased market competition and access to diverse technology. With MOSA, programs and companies can integrate new capabilities and share data between systems - without divulging proprietary information.
When MOSA is adopted across the defense industry, companies will be able to modernize their systems while having the flexibility to configure and reconfigure available assets to meet operational and technological requirements, freeing engineering time and energy to develop new capabilities.
Transitioning to MOSA is a daunting task — especially for legacy systems and components built with proprietary designs. The good news is that you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Our Component Software Integration Platform, Tangram Pro™, simplifies the process of integrating mission-critical defense systems, and it's easy to use.
Tangram Pro provides tools for automatically generating secure software interfaces for integration at the component and system level — while giving teams a simpler way to work together throughout the engineering lifecycle with its digital engineering workspace and component interface library.
Each military branch has unique architectures and standards, making MOSA more important than ever. Tangram Pro™ interfaces can convert data between standards with high accuracy and security, enabling interoperability in new and legacy systems.
Tangram Flex technology offers component-based engineering technologies with roots in DARPA's HACMS program, enabling customers to embrace MOSA and build confidence in component and system performance with cyber-hardened software interfaces and built-in validation & verification.