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Integrate Like a Pro

FREE 14 day trial

Tangram Pro platform on Macbook Pro

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Ready to learn more? Register for a free Tangram Pro™ trial to try it for yourself.

Flowchart icon
Curate a component library, share designs in workspaces, and connect system models directly to software code for a clear picture of what your team is building together.
Icon that says OMS Stanag LMCP
Automatically generate component software interfaces using our message transforms to connect components across open architecture standards.
Gear icon with a lock
Improve quality and confidence with testing and analysis tools that execute automatically during code generation.
Workflow icon
Trigger Tangram Pro™ workflows automatically with your existing CI/CD pipelines to output executable C++ or Java code when you need it.
Graduation cap icon
Access our online community to ask questions, make suggestions, and hear directly from our engineers and other Tangram Pro™ users.

Get started with Tangram Pro™ today — no credit card required.

Questions? Call us at (937) 985-3199

Get the most out of Tangram Pro™

Tangram Pro™ Docs and Tutorials

Head over to the Tangram Pro™ Docs Site and check out the complete user guide and step-by-step tutorials to get started

Make Software Integration Easier

Learn how we approach component-based software engineering and use Tangram Pro™ to focus on products, not process.

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